The Bracco italiano Society Established 1998
2010 Show Results
Boston- 8th January - Miss E W Newton
Manchester - 24th January - Mrs K M Gorman (Breed classes) Mr S Plane (AV Rare Breeds)
Best Dog - Homstar Duccio at Chaddenston - Mr & Mrs Ingram
Res Best Dog - Bolton Oransade - Mrs Rawlings
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM- Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Petunia Flowerpot - Mr & Mrs Cotterell
Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM- Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best Puppy - Laumidorn Isaac Newton - Mr & Mrs Wade
Best Dog & Best AV Rare Breeds - Indijazz Constant Trouble - Miss Bell
Crufts - 14th March - Mr C De Giuliani
Best Dog - San Mar Ch It Ch Ir Ch Axel Del Monte Alago - Mr Tripoli & Mrs Ahrens
Res Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Bitch - Heinaaron Alto Moda - Miss Kuusisto
Res Best Bitch - Int / Ir Ch Bonario De Facto at Primo - Mr & Mrs Cooper
Best of Breed - San Mar Ch It Ch Ir Ch Axel Del Monte Alago - Mr Tripoli & Mrs Ahrens
Best Puppy - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
WELKS - 23rd April - Mr F Kane
Best Dog - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett
Res Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Belladonna - Miss Derrett
Best of Breed - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett
Best Puppy - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Birmingham National - 8th May - Mr G Hargreaves
Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Res Best Dog - Indijazz Blaze of Glory at Spurhammer - Mr & Mrs Jones
Best Bitch - Curlabull Serenity at Darrowdale - Mrs Cropper
Res Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris
Best of Breed - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Best Puppy - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Scottish Kennel Club - 22nd May - Mr R Stafford
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Best Bitch - Bonario Ecce Signum for Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr
Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mr & Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques
Best of Breed - Boltom Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Bath - 29th May - Mrs C Sellwood
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Laumidorn Dmitri Mendeleev - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr
Best Bitch - Kelbenic Marie Taglioni by Bracagara - Mr & Mrs Salisbury
Res Best Bitch - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman
Best of Breed & Group 1- Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman
Southern Counties - 4th June - Mrs P Hollings
Three Counties - 9th June - Mr A Brace
Border Union - 20th June - Mrs M Purnell-Carpenter
Res Best Bitch (AVNSC) - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques
Blackpool - 26th June - Mr G Davies
Best Dog (AVNSC) - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Res Best Dog (AVNSC)- Indijazz Constant Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
Best Bitch (AVNSC)- Bonario Burlesque - Ms Powell
Best of Breed (AVNSC)- Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Windsor - 4th July - Mr M Howes
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Lux Ch Giada Di Cacciola for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best Puppy - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman
East of England - 11th July - Mr S Hollings
Best Dog - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside - Mr Wainwright
Res Best Dog - Braccorions Cruz - Mr & Mrs Wilson
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Laumidorn Dian Fossey - Mrs Lowe
Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cruz - Mr & Mrs Wilson
Leeds - 25th July - Mrs P Hollings
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Best Bitch - Bonario Ecce Signum at Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr
Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Belladonna - Miss Derrett
Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings
Paignton - 4th August - Mr G Haran
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Braccanza Levante at Bracagara - Mr & Mrs Salisbury
Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Bitch - Lux J Ch Giada Di Cacciola for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings
National Gundog - 7th August - Mrs K Parris
Best Dog - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett
Res Best Dog - Laumidorn Dmitri Mendeleev - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques
Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best Breeder & Breeder Group 4 - Miss Norman
Bournemouth - 15th August - Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Braccanza Levante at Bracagara - Mr & Mrs Salisbury
Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings
Best Breeder & Breeder Group 3 - Mrs Rawlings
Welsh Kennel Club - 22nd August - Mr M Quinney
Best Dog (AVNSC) - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett
Res Best Dog (AVNSC)- Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman
Best Bitch (AVNSC)- Gunsyn Madonna for Zakro - Mrs Adamo
Res Best Bitch (AVNSC)- Bonario Ecce Signum at Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr
Best of Breed (AVNSC) - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett
Scottish Kennel Club - 28th August - Mrs S Hewart-Chambers (AVNSC) Mr S Plane (AVRB)
Best Dog (AV Rare Breed) - Indijazz Constant Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
Best Bitch (AV Rare Breed)- Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques
Best of Breed (AV Rare Breed) - Indijazz Constant Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
City of Birmingham - 5th September - Mr C Atkinson
Best Dog - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham
Res Best Dog - Braccanza Maestrale - Mrs Bryant
Best Bitch - Bonario Aude Sapere - Mrs Parris
Res Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris
Best of Breed - Bonario Aude Sapere - Mrs Parris
Best Puppy - Curlabull Back To The Future At Homstar - Mr & Mrs March
Richmond - 12th September - Mr F Whyte(Breed) Miss J Startup (AVRB)
Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Braccorions Dante - Mrs Rawlings
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Lux J Ch Giada Di Cacciola for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Braccorions Dante - Mrs Rawlings
Best Breeder - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy AV Rare Breeds - Braccanza Feliciano - Mr & Mrs Altria
Darlington - 19th September - Dr R Roden (breed classes) Mr J Bispham (AV Rare Breeds)
Best Dog - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham
Res Best Dog - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside - Mr Wainwright
Best Bitch - Gunstrux Gabriella - Miss Norman
Res Best Bitch - Primo Pasqualina - Mr & Mrs Craske
Best of Breed - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham
Best Puppy - Primo Pasqualina - Mr & Mrs Craske
Best Breeder & Breeder Group 3 - Miss Norman
Res Best Dog (AV Rare Breed) - Indijazz Constant Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
Belfast - 25th September - Mrs K Gorman
Driffield - 1st October - Mrs E Craske
Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman
Res Best Dog - Int Sh Ch Gunstrux Ferdinand for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Best Bitch - Lux J Ch Giada Di Cacciola for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Serenity at Darrowdale - Mrs Cropper
Best of Breed - Lux J Ch Giada Di Cacciola for Braccari - Mr Hyde & Mr Pawlaczek
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cruz - Mr & Mrs Wilson
South Wales - 9th October- Mrs M A Jacques
Best Dog - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside - Mr Wainwright
Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones
Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris
Res Best Bitch - Int Sh Ch Heinaaron Gioa Di Natale for Gunstrux - Miss Norman
Best of Breed - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside (Imp Hun) - Mr Wainwright
Best Puppy - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
Best Breeder & Breeder Group 4 - Miss Norman
Gundog Society of Wales - 13th October - Miss S Pinkerton
Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman
Res Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost
Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Serenity at Darrowdale - Mrs Cropper
Best of Breed - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman
Best Puppy - Braccorions Cruz - Mr & Mrs Wilson
Midland Counties - 28th October - Mr J Luscott
Best Dog (AVNSC) - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Bitch (AVNSC) - Gunstrux Rosa Caro at Ardenstorm - Mr Abraham
Best of Breed (AVNSC) - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy (AVNSC) - Braccorions Dante- Mrs Dunhill
Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland - 13th November - Mr R Morris
Best Dog - Braccorions Dante- Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog - Indijazz Constant Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell
Best Bitch - Joneva Creseyde - Mr & Mrs Wade
Res Best Bitch - Zaffyre Goldfinger at Shaneco - Mr & Mrs Craske
Best of Breed - Braccorions Dante- Mrs Rawlings
Best Puppy - Braccorions Dante- Mrs Rawlings
Best Veteran - Shaneco Donini - Mr & Mrs Craske
Ladies Kennel Association - 12th December - Mr S Parsons
Best Dog (AVNSC) - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings
Res Best Dog (AVNSC)- Braccanza Feliciano - Mr & Mrs Altria
Best Bitch (AVNSC)- Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Res Best Bitch (AVNSC)- Laumidorn Dian Fossey - Mrs Lowe
Best of Breed (AVNSC) - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison
Best Puppy (AVNSC) - Braccanza Feliciano - Mr & Mrs Altria