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2011 Show Results

Boston- 7th January - Mr Mik Jacques

Best Dog - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg - Mrs Newman-Jones

Res Best Dog - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside - Mr Wainwright

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Bonario Burlesque - Mrs Powell

Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Puppy - Zaffyre Goldfinger at Shaneco - Mr & Mrs Craske


Manchester - 23rd January - Ms Nicola Spencer (Breed) Mrs G J Lilley (Rare Breeds)

Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Res Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Bonario Cachet - Mr & Mrs Gay

Best of Breed - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Bonario Cachet - Mr & Mrs Gay


Crufts - 10th March - Mrs Lynn Bowley

Best Dog - Int Ch San Mar Ch It Ch Ir Ch Axel Del Monte Alago - Mr Tripoli & Mrs Ahrens Primavera

Res Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Best Bitch - Braccanza Callidora - Mr & Mrs Hayward

Res Best Bitch - NL Ch Lux Ch VDH Ch Sequins Bezzeca - Mr Knippenborg

Best of Breed - Int Ch San Mar Ch It Ch Ir Ch Axel Del Monte Alago - Mr Tripoli & Mrs Ahrens Primavera

Best Puppy - Bonario Cachet - Mr & Mrs Gay


WELKS - 30th April - Mr Phil March

Best Dog - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham

Res Best Dog - Braccanza Fabrizio - Mr & Mrs Turney

Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Res Best Bitch - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman

Best of Breed - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Pomodoro - Mr Wallace


Birmingham National - 8th May - Mrs Bitte Ahrens Primavera

Best Dog - Homstar Duccio at Chaddenston - Mr & Mrs Ingram

Res Best Dog - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best Bitch - Gunsyn Pomata - Mrs Bowley

Res Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Best of Breed - Homstar Duccio at Chaddenston - Mr & Mrs Ingram

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Pomata - Mrs Bowley

Best Breeder - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Scottish Kennel Club - 22nd May - Mrs Jinty Gill-Davis

Best Dog - Gunstrux Herges Adventures of Haunsperg Sh CM - Mrs Newman-Jones

Res Best Dog - Gunsyn Pomodoro - Mr Wallace

Best Bitch - Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero at Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Res Best Bitch - Zakro Angelina - Mrs Adamo

Best of Breed - Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero at Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Pomodoro - Mr Wallace


Bath - 28th May -  Miss Carolyn Fry

Best Dog - Gunsyn Passaporto - Miss Matthews

Res Best Dog - Braccanza Feliciano - Mr & Mrs Altria

Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Res Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best of Breed - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Passaporto - Miss Matthews


Southern Counties - 3rd June - Kari Jarvinen (Finland)

Best Bitch AVNSC - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Bitch AV Rare Breeds - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best AV Rare Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison


Three Counties - 10th June - Mr Andrew Brace

Res Best Dog AVNSC - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Res Best Bitch AVNSC - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques


Border Union - 28th June - Mr Les Aspin

Best Bitch AV Rare Breeds - Gunsyn Madonna For Zakro - Mrs Adamo

Res Best Bitch AV Rare Breeds- Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo

Best AV Rare Breed - Gunsyn Madonna For Zakro - Mrs Adamo

Best Puppy AV Rare Breeds - Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo


Blackpool - 25th June - Mrs K Gorman / AV Rare Breeds Mr N Newton

Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Res Best Dog - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Bitch - Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero at Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques

Best of Breed - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Pomata - Mrs Bowley

Best Dog AV Rare Breeds- Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best AV Rare Breed - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Puppy AV Rare Breeds - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright


Windsor - 2nd July - Mrs Lorraine Rossiter

Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Res Best Dog - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham

Best Bitch - Bonario Ecce Signum For Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Res Best Bitch - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman

Best of Breed - Bonario Ecce Signum For Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Puppy - Laumidorn Rachel Carson - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


East of England - 8th July - Mr Keith Young

Best Dog - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Res Best Dog - Daiquiri's Conte at Shadowside - Mr Wainwright

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Heart of Gold at Hastabbi - Mrs Abbishaw & Mrs Jacques

Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Pomodoro - Mr Wallace


Leeds - 22nd July - Mrs Brenda Banbury

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Braccorions Dante - Mrs Dunhill

Best Bitch - Gunsyn Pomata - Mrs Bowley

Res Best Bitch - Pomona Dei Vicini Del Monastero at Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Best Puppy - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright


Paignton - 2nd August - Dr Ron James

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings

Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Piselli at Kelbenic - Mrs Gayler


National Gundog - 6th August - Mr John Abraham

Best Dog - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett

Res Best Dog - Curlabull Millenium Falcon - Dr Roden

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Bonario Ecce Signum For Laumidorn - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best of Breed - Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett

Best Puppy - Laumidorn Rachel Carson - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Bournemouth - 15th August - Mrs Liz Cartledge

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best of Breed - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings

Best Puppy - Gunsyn Passaporto - Miss Matthews


Welsh Kennel Club - 21st August - Mr Jeff Horswell

Best Dog AVNSC- Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Res Best Dog AVNSC- Gunstrux Francesco for Zakro - Mr & Ms Scandrett

Best Bitch AVNSC- Gunstrux Gabriella - Miss Norman

Res Best Bitch AVNSC - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman

Best AVNSC- Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Puppy AVNSC - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright


Scottish Kennel Club - 28th August - Mrs C L Roe / AV Rare Breeds Mr C Gillanders

Best Dog AVNSC - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best Bitch AVNSC - Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo

Best AVNSC - Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo

Best Puppy AVNSC- Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo

Best Dog AVRB - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best AV Rare Breed - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell


City of Birmingham - 4th September - Mr Colin MacKay

Best Dog - Braccorions Bernardo of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Res Best Dog - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo

Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Puppy - Zakro Angelina (AI) - Mrs Adamo


Richmond - 11th September - Mr Jeff Horswell/ AV Rare Breeds Mrs M Purnell-Carpenter

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Gunsyn Passaporto - Miss Matthews

Best Bitch - Bonario Cachet - Mr & Mrs Gay

Res Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Best Puppy - Malomkozi Alessa Of Bracagara - Mr & Mrs Salisbury

Res Best Dog AVRB - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright


Darlington - 18th September - Mrs Edna Craske/ AV Rare Breeds Mr M Marshall

Best Dog - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman

Best Bitch - Gunsyn Pomata - Mrs Bowley

Res Best Bitch - Laumidorn Dian Fossey - Mrs Lowe

Best of Breed - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Puppy - Laumidorn Rachel Carson - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Veteran - Int Sh Ch Heinaaron Gioa Di Natale for Gunstrux - Miss Norman

Best Dog AVRB - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best Veteran AVRB- Int Sh Ch Heinaaron Gioa Di Natale for Gunstrux - Miss Norman

Best AV Rare Breed - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell


Belfast - 24th September - Mr Gordon Haran


Driffield - 30th September - Mr Geoff Hargreaves

Best Dog - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham

Res Best Dog - Shadowside Amore Ricco - Mr Wainwright

Best Bitch - Shadowside Amarmi Ora - Mr Wainwright

Res Best Bitch - Laumidorn Rachel Carson - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best of Breed - Ardenstorm Luciano Bosis Sh CM - Mr Abraham

Best Puppy - Laumidorn Rachel Carson - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


South Wales - 7th October- Mrs Chris Northam

Best Dog - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman

Best Bitch - Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Res Best Bitch - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman

Best of Breed -  Bonario Baroque - Mrs Parris

Best Puppy - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay


Gundog Society of Wales - 12th October - Mr Moray Armstrong

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman

Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Bitch - Curlabull Serenity at Darrowdale - Mrs Cropper

Best of Breed - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Best Puppy - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay


Midland Counties - 28th October - Mrs Ann Ingram

Best Dog AVNSC - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best Bitch AVNSC - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best AVNSC - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Puppy AVNSC- Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay


Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland - 12th November - Ms Annika Ulltveit-Moe

Best Dog - Bolton Oransade of Braccorion - Mrs Rawlings

Res Best Dog - Millpoint Double Trouble at Owlspoint - Miss Bell

Best Bitch - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay

Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Cassiopeia - Mrs Rawlings

Best of Breed - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay

Best Puppy - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay


Ladies Kennel Association - 10th December - Mrs Jenny Miller

Best Dog - Gunstrux Captain Pugwash - Miss Norman

Res Best Dog - Braccanza Maeastrale - Mrs Bryant

Best Bitch - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Res Best Bitch - Gunstrux Peppermint Patty - Miss Norman

Best of Breed - Shaneco Daniele De Rossi Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Puppy - Braccorions Evangelina - Miss Towns & Mr Lay

Bracco Italiano Society

Latest Update 14/01/2025​


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